Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Necrotizing Fasciitis
necrotizing fasciitis/diagnosis, therapeuctics, surgery, plasticAbstract
Introduction: Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare infectious disease, but frequently misdiagnosed in its initial phase, characterized by tissue necrosis, rapid progression, and fatal complications. Objective: To provide updated knowledge for the comprehensive management and scientific research of necrotizing fasciitis. Methods: For the development of this review, 50 relevant publications were used, between 2019 and 2023, on necrotizing fasciitis in the field of Plastic Surgery and Orthopedics. 109 documents were consulted from the databases of the MEDLINE, PubMed, Scielo reference systems and indexed in the Web of Sciences, Scopus and Redalyc, using the descriptor necrotizing fasciitis. Conclusions: Early diagnosis, intensive treatment, intravenous antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement remain the cornerstone of the management of this disease, in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate.
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