Characteristics of oncology nursing communication, seeing them by their protagonists
communication, nursing, oncologyAbstract
Communication in health fulfills greatly important functions; in the case of oncological nursing, it has an intense emotional modality.
To show the main characteristics which distinguish oncological nursing seeing them by their protagonists
A library research was performed about professional communication in oncological nursing, which contributed in three topic nucleus. The research was complemented by a qualitative phenomenological study, in a sample of experts formed by 22 nurses linked to praxis and teaching of oncological nursing. Focal groups were formed at María Curie Oncology Hospital and the Nursing Department of the Medical Sciences University in Camagüey. The debate was transcribed and an analysis of content was made. Each answer was considered as a unit of analysis and seven categories were established, which were considered as characteristics.
The 100 % of participating nurses showed communication as a main element in the nursing–patient interaction, which guarantee the adherence in a 45.45 %, participation of the patients in their recovering process, the 40.90 %, and in oncology it has particular characteristics by the diversity and complications of the limiting situations which faces.
Communication in nursing, is distinguished by its generalities, in the professional nurse-patient relation, the recognizing of particular characteristics in Oncology and its importance in all the stages of the tumor disease. It demands behaviors, values for communication and it produces satisfactions.
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