Subprosthesis stomatitis in patients with removable prosthesis



subprosthesis stomatitis, dental prosthesis, oral hygiene



Subprosthesis stomatitis is a multifactorial disease and a risk factor for the appearance of premalignant and malignant lesions of the oral cavity, which are frequent in patients with dental prosthesis.


To describe subprosthesis stomatitis in patients with partial and total removable prosthesis.


A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out from January to March, 2020, at the dental clinic from Santa Cruz del Norte. The universe was formed by 122 patients with removable prosthesis. A sample of 66 patients was selected by a simple sampling at random. The variables were: age, sex, grade of the lesion, chief complaint, time of use and risk factors. A questionnaire and oral examination were used to obtain the information.


The 57.57 % of the patients were adults older than 60 years old and the 68.18 % were female. The 60.61 % presented grade II of the lesion and the 83.33 % went to the consultation because of symptoms. The risk factors that prevailed were deficient oral hygiene in the 77.27 % and the use of misadjusted prostheses in a 60.61 %. The 54.55 % of the patients wore prostheses for more than 10 years.


Subprosthesis stomatitis is more frequent in elderly adults of the female sex. The patients go to the consultation because they have symptoms, most of them presented grade II of the lesion and wear prosthesis for more than 10 years. Deficient oral hygiene and use of misadjusted prostheses were the risk factors that prevail.


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Author Biographies

Bashkiria García Oñate, Policlínico "Alberto Fernández Valdés". Sede Universitaria Santa Cruz del Norte. Mayabeque.

Especialista de I grado en Prótesis Estomatológica y en Estomatología General Integral.Máster en Atención en Urgencias Estomatológicas y en Medicina Bioenergética en Atención Primaria en Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz del Norte de Santa Cruz del Norte.

Anacelys Sabugueiro Mesa, Policlínico "Alberto Fernández Valdés". Sede Universitaria Santa Cruz del Norte. Mayabeque

Estomatologa General. Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz del Norte Cuba. Santa Cruz del Norte


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How to Cite

García Oñate B, Sabugueiro Mesa A. Subprosthesis stomatitis in patients with removable prosthesis. Medimay [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];30(1):4-10. Available from:

