Stereotypes towards elderly period of time and its social representation
old age, social representation, stereotypesAbstract
Stereotypes are beliefs referred to characteristics or shared traits by members of specific group members and the typical traits or manners that are supposed by those who have who belong to this group.
To identify the stereotypes towards the elderly period and their social representation in adolescents and adults.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at Luis Li Trigent Teaching Policlinic in 2020. The universe was formed by 323 patients from the Doctor´s Office 13, from 10 to 49 years old, which were selected in a probabilistic way, at random 105 patients. The studied variables were age, sex, health stereotypes, social ones, character and the social representation. Absolute and relative frequency measures were applied, the Arithmetic media and the brain storm as a group technician.
Results: In the 30 to 39 age group, female patients prevailed in a 21.90 %, the 31.42 % think that elderlies are fragile people, the 25.71 % appreciate them as sociable people and the 21.90 % as respectful people. The social representation showed different modalities directed to see the elderlies as people who need help and care.
Women from 30 to 39 years old who see the elderlies as prevailed fragile, sociable respectful people prevail, the general representation of the elderly inquired adults is relatively positive, so it strengthens the idea that the active aging program favors the reconstruction of old age.
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