Risk factors for cervical cancer
neoplasia of the cervix, cervical cancer, risk factor's, uterus, epidemiology, preventionAbstract
Cervical cancer is a health problem in the female population.
To determine the risk factors for cervical cancer.
An observational, analytical, case-control study was carried out in the municipality of Puerto Padre, Las Tunas province, from 2020 to 2023. Of a universe of 48 women, 16 with cervical cancer made up the case group and 32 without diagnosis the control group. The dependent variable studied was cervical cancer and the independent variables: age, skin color, history, multiparity, multiple sexual partners, age of initiation of sexual relations, human papillomavirus infections, other sexually transmitted infections, smoking, hormones, obesity, diet. The information was obtained from medical records. Statistical processing included percentage, mean, standard deviation, Mantel-Haenszel Chi square, Odd Ratio, Pearson linear correlation.
The mean age was 44±9.6 for cases and 45±10.8 for controls; 85.4% white skin color. Variables with statistical and causal association: multiparity (Ji2:1.5; OR:2, r:0.73); frequent change of partner (Chi2:1.2; OR:2, r:0.7); early initiation of sexual relations (Chi2:1; OR:1.9, r:0.6); sexually transmitted infections by Human Papillomavirus (Ji2:0.9; OR:2.2, r:0.75); other sexually transmitted infections (Ji2:2.5; OR:5, r:0.77); smoking (Chi2:2.2; OR:2.5, r:0.76); inadequate diet (Chi2:8.1; OR:7.2, r:0.87).
White women, in the fourth decade of life, predominate and inadequate diet, smoking, Human Papillomavirus infection, multiparity, multiple sexual partners, and early initiation of sexual relations are estimated as risk factors for cervical cancer.
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