Idiopathic Collapsing C1q Nephropathy, a Rare Form of Nephrotic Syndrome in Pediatrics. A Case Report
kidney diseases/ diagnosis, nephrotic syndrome/ diagnóstico, adolescent, pediatricsAbstract
Idiopathic collapsing C1q nephropathy is a rare disease with a poor prognosis and poor response to treatment, which progresses to renal failure. This case is presented to present the diagnosis of collapsing C1q nephropathy in a schoolchild. The patient is a 13-year-old white female with no history of disease. At age 10, she was admitted for generalized, cold, morning edema, with easy godet, associated with foamy urine, positive Tarral maneuver, and abolished vesicular murmur in the lung bases. When the clinical picture was correlated with the analytical results, it was interpreted as a normocomplementemic nephrotic syndrome with normal renal function. The patient is resistant to treatment with steroids and immunosuppressants and the renal biopsy shows a histopathological pattern of collapsing C1q nephropathy. Clinical remission is not achieved, but with treatment protocols, normal renal function and a stable evolution are achieved, allowing for social integration.
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