History of Stomatology before the revolutionary ttriumph in the municipality of Bejucal
history of dentistry, oral medicine, cities/ history, CubaAbstract
The history of stomatology in the municipality of Bejucal dates back to the primitive era and to the activity of the behique, as a healer of periodontal disease and dental caries that affected the first inhabitants of the territory. The objective is to describe the history of stomatology before the revolutionary triumph in the municipality of Bejucal. Several techniques typical of historical research are used to collect data, such as documentary review and interviews. The study focuses on the period before the revolutionary triumph and presents the most significant aspects, such as the collaboration of prestigious doctors in dental activities. It is noted that there is no official publication referring to the events or the development of stomatology in the municipality, although there are local publications where figures dedicated to this profession are mentioned.
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