Psychosocial and epidemiological aspects of suicide attempts in children
intento de suicidio, adolescente, niño, pediatríaAbstract
Suicide has been classified as a human tragedy and that of adolescents generates devastation for the family, friends and the community.
To determine the epidemiological and psychosocial aspects related to suicide attempts in children.
An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out during the period from January 2019 to December 2020 at the ¨Piti Fajardo¨ Maternal and Child Hospital in the municipality of Güines, Mayabeque province. The study universe consisted of 68 children admitted for suicide attempts. The variables age, sex, schooling, predisposing factors, associated conflicts and psychiatric illnesses in children and family members were analyzed. Absolute frequencies and percentages were used as statistical techniques and percentages were compared using the X2 test and Duncan's multiple comparison test.
Suicide attempts were predominant in children aged 13 to 15 years at 54.4%, female at 85.3%, 48.6% with secondary schooling, the predisposing factor that prevailed was previous depression in 48.5% and 45.6% had family problems. The most frequent diagnosis was adjustment disorder in 69.1%.
Adolescents aged 13 to 15 years, female with secondary schooling and previous depression, predominated, more than half of the children were diagnosed with an adjustment disorder and most of the family members had some psychiatric illness and the most prevalent conflicts were family problems.
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