Life Quality Related to Older Adults’ Health during the COVID-19 pandemic
age, quality of life, COVID-19, social isolation, personal satisfaction, happinessAbstract
Introduction: The quality of life of the elderly depends on the way in which they adapt to the physical changes and events that arise due to the aging stage. Objective: To describe the satisfaction of older adults with life quality related to health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study with a mixed approach was carried out in offices 12, 13 and 14 of the ¨Luis Li Trigent¨ Polyclinic. The universe consisted of 305 older adults, from which an intentional non-probabilistic sample of 174 was taken, aimed at the elderly from 60 to 79 years old. Variables such as age, sex, history of COVID-19 infection, and satisfaction with quality of life were analyzed. The WHOQOL-BREF survey was applied and the statistical analysis included absolute, relative and arithmetic mean frequency measurements. Results: Women between 60 and 69 years old predominated at 32.75%, 81.60% of whom did not get sick from COVID-19, 38.50% of women were moderately satisfied with their quality of life and the men's lack of satisfaction stood out at 21.83 %. Conclusions: As age advances, the perception of satisfaction with the quality-of-life decreases, women are more satisfied with it than men and the feeling of fear of contagion, dependence on other people and social isolation are factors that affect the satisfaction of the elderly and their well-being.
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